A field guide to growing up without growing apart


Condition of the Month – November: Do you say Yes or No?

Condition of the Month – November: Do you say Yes or No?

For this month’s COTM I’ve asked my fellow princesses how they feel about the words YES and NO. Which one do we say more of and how has that changed over our lifetime? This is a fundamental question I’ve thought a lot about in the […]

Condition of the Month – October: What Makes You Unique?

Condition of the Month – October: What Makes You Unique?

I love learning about people’s quirks. Everyone has a million little things that make them unique. So I thought we would explore that a little further this month. I asked the princesses to talk about a unique passion that they have. What something that we […]

Have Courage, Be Kind

Have Courage, Be Kind

To me, it’s always seemed like the story of Cinderella has a pretty obvious theme – it is better to be kind than cruel. Sure Ever After stretched this into more of a be intelligent and inclusive idea and the Disney cartoon is pretty heavily […]

Condition of the Month: August

Condition of the Month: August

Hey there 20 somethings!  I know, I know– t’s been a long time!  Sorry for that.  Ariel was in charge last month and instead of doing her duty to the blog she was running around Norway with friends.  Can you say troll-ific?  Anyway, at last […]

My Old Car

My Old Car

Driving is one of my least favorite things about being a grown up. In Seattle I didn’t have a car. I lived on the busses and trains, walking to friends’ houses, work and grocery stores everyday for years. And while I admit that walking is […]

Entitled: Part Two

Entitled: Part Two

Most days I work fairly hard not to feel entitled. Life is tough for everyone, but I am fully aware how good I have it. Sure things could be better (like women’s rights or access to quality news), but in general I know I am […]

Condition of the Month: June

Condition of the Month: June

For this month’s COTM I’ve asked my friends to think about their work / life balance. What would be an ideal balance between work and home life look like, or is it all actually the same thing? And what about the future, will things change […]

A Few Moments of Silence

A Few Moments of Silence

You know those moments that somehow feel both infinite and fleeting all at once? Like when it feels like there is nowhere else you should be but a second later it’s over and you’re looking back on it already? There are the big kind of […]

I Don’t Know if I’m Happy

I don’t know if I’m happy. I’ve been working really hard the last few months at a new job and it feels really good. I like the concept of the company; I like the odds that it will succeed – setting me up with some […]

A Busy Month

Recap: This month has been busy, and I’m not sure exactly what to write about in this post. I’ve learned a ton and felt both confused and secure in equal parts, but in all life is good and I’m glad to be where I am. Mostly. […]

Two Weeks Ago My Life Looked Completely Different

Two Weeks Ago My Life Looked Completely Different

Two weeks ago I wasn’t doing well. I was unemployed, broke, and completely at a loss of what to do next. My confidence was dismal from all the job rejections and my roommate had just gotten a dog even though she knew I was allergic. […]

Condition of the Month – February 2015

I was called for jury duty last week and it got me thinking, how important are laws to you? For this month’s COTM I’ve asked the princesses to think about their personal biases and how much they affect their upholding of the law. I hadn’t […]