A field guide to growing up without growing apart

Naughty Princesses

Adventure Overload

Travel. Adventure. Spontaneity. Independence. It seems like these are always the things twenty-something’s are yearning for, even if they’ve already settled themselves with a long-term relationship or cushy job. Everyone has that one facebook friend who has joined the Peace Corps or is backpacking through […]

May–Condition Of The Month

This month the naughty princesses were asked about the words they live by. When you’re going through the twenty something condition–what are the thoughts that keep you going? What is your Motto for this stage of your life, and how is it helping you get […]

Forget Polygamy, the new Mormon P-word is Pinterest.

On Saturday I went to a Mormon Wedding. Okay so that is a lie. I’m not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints so I am not physically allowed in the temple to watch the secret ‘sealing’ service that magically […]

Plans….Or lack thereof

Last Sunday I had one of the best days I’ve had in a while. My husband and I didn’t have any plans and so I said we should just get in the car and drive somewhere. So that’s what we did. We drove with no […]

Back Off and Leave my Otium Alone!

Lately, several people have mentioned to me that I need to ‘get involved’ with different activities, and it has really started to bug me.  To give just one example, about a week ago, another graduate student I know was pressuring me to join the organizing […]

When Parents Become Guests

So my parents came to visit. Normally this would not be a momentous occasion, but since I moved out of the country just after my wedding, I never had a chance to set up house somewhere and invite my parents over, until now. Snow Whore […]

So Much Data So Little Time

My name is Sleeping Booty and I’m a hoarder.  Well, sort of.  I like to think of myself more as a memory preserver than a junk collector, more like an information database than a maggot infested trash dump. I’m a keeper of records and saver […]

Why Smart Phones Scare Me

I know this may shock some of you, but I’m just going to put it out there. I don’t like Smart Phones. This is the part where every tech loving person out there does a giant comedic gasp! How could I, someone who is a […]

The Secret to Marital Bliss

I have now been married to a wonderful guy for ONE WHOLE YEAR. **silent cheer** And in that time, I have stumbled upon the key to a happy marriage. Since you can probably barely contain your excitement right now, I’ll just say it. The secret […]

Love Letters: Lady Mareena Chapter Four

It is has been a while since I last wrote a Lady Mareena post, and, due to several circumstances in my life, I feel like that time has come again.  I was hesitant about posting this, not least because I fear the judgement not only […]

Condition of the Month–April

What’s life without a little give and take? Part of being a twenty-something is having to exchange some of the perks of childhood for the rewards of adult life. So here’s what the Naughty Princesses have to say about what they’ve lost, what they’ve gained, […]

What happened to Amanda Bynes? And the Top Ten Reasons Why She Will Always Be Awesome

Don’t get me wrong, I love Easy A. Emma Stone was spot on and everything her parents say makes me happier than a baby monkey riding on a pig, but when my dad and I came across the movie while flipping channels this weekend he […]