A field guide to growing up without growing apart

Naughty Princesses

My Mom and Me

I love my mom. She is a wonderful, strong person and I think she did a pretty decent job raising me and my brothers. However, despite the awesome person she is, we have never been extraordinarily close. When I went through my angsty, hormone ridden, […]

Why I’m Starting to Believe Seasonal Affective Disorder is a Real Thing. Oh, and PMS too.

So I’m from Washington. The state. And no, it is not very sunny there, at least in the Western half of the state (which is the cool one). And yes, it rains a lot. Stephanie Meyer got that part right. But does the gray, gloomy […]

The Internet is Magical

When fellow 20something David asked if we’d contribute our stories to his blog, 20somethings in 2013, of course we obliged. How AWESOME is it that we can all connect like this?! We’re all so different and yet all exactly the freakin’ same. I love it. Maybe […]

War and Peace Revisited

So, when I was a junior in high school, I read War and Peace.  At the time it took me less than a month to conquer this 1,400-page, giant beast of Russian literature.   And, although, I have always been a re-reader (most of my favourite […]

My White Dress

As some of you may know from previous postings, I am currently trying to lose weight. It has actually been going fairly well, and I’ve lost over 15 pounds so far. However, it isn’t the number on the scale that makes me the most excited. […]

Surgeon General’s Warning: Moral Suasion to Reduce Gun Violence

“My only influence was through moral suasion,” said the late C. Everett Koop, America’s highest profile surgeon general, who with little more than a warning convinced a nation to rally against smoking. He made no new laws, searched no homes and attacked no amendments and […]

Live Long and Prosper

So I’ve faced mortality this week. A whole boatload of it. And to be honest I’m not sure what I’ve learned. Or how I feel.  Hopefully we’ll figure something out together. It began with putting our family dog down on Saturday. Rhoda is (was) our […]

I Hate Taxes

I hate taxes. Not necessarily the fact that we have to pay them, but the actual process of preparing one’s taxes. I mean, I freaking fled the country, and still the government is managing to bite me in the butt and steal away precious time […]

All Your Stressing is Stressing Me Out!

As you know if you follow our blog at least a little bit, I go to graduate school— why, because I post about it all the time, that’s why.  Well, as a matter of course, many of my friends (excepting three of naughty princesses, obviously!) […]

My Selfish Self

When you get married, there are all sorts of cliches and pieces of advice that people love to spout at you. “Cherish every moment”, “Eventually, the honeymoon ends”, “It’s all about compromise”, “The first year is the hardest”, “You have to grow together”, “Always fight […]

Ode to my Laptop

Almost six years ago, in the spring of 2007, I got my first laptop. It was my high school graduation present, that all-important piece of technology I would need to do my work in college. I had chosen a pink 14.5 inch Dell Inspiron 1420, […]

A Balancing Game

So this whole working for my dad thing is complicated. The major things are great. We get along ridiculously well and when we get home we don’t bolt to opposite corners of the house. My mom isn’t too jealous of the time we spend together […]