Merskank’s Hair Secrets
I love getting my hair cut. It is kind of a ritual now for me. I don’t get it cut that often– only twice a year– but I always go to the same little salon in Seattle and have the same stylist cut it. Her […]
A field guide to growing up without growing apart
I love getting my hair cut. It is kind of a ritual now for me. I don’t get it cut that often– only twice a year– but I always go to the same little salon in Seattle and have the same stylist cut it. Her […]
What do you buy for the guy who has everything? As Christmas day approached, this was the question I was pondering in regards to a certain husband of mine. I’ve always known boys are more difficult to buy for than girls, my dad and brothers […]
My name is Sleeping Booty and I’m a crusher. A few days ago I read a psychology study circulating the internet that claimed a crush lasting over 4 months crosses over into the territory of love. While I’m not sure I agree, it still got […]
This Christmas I was in the odd position of not being the hostess in my own home. I had gotten my parents to agree to come to our house since I got practically no time off of work. Convincing them was a miracle in the […]
So, remember way back when I said my love life was too pathetic to write about, and that I preferred to render it into charming fiction? Well, sadly, this is still the case. After the events of last week, however, I don’t even know if […]
No, no, this isn’t what you think. This isn’t the blog in which Cinderslut announces she’s caught the baby bug, although now that you mention it there are a heckuva lotta cute babies on facebook these days. That blog might come one day, but not […]
If you haven’t gotten the point by now; I’m loving living at home. There are tons of expected perks (free food, rent, an endless supply of craft supplies) but there have been even more unexpected ones too, like my mother waking up early to hug […]
Before I got married, I anticipated many things about my new stage of life. I knew it would be a transition period. I knew that taking two lives and making them one doesn’t just happen in the blink of an eye with no bumps. But […]
It’s that time of year again folks (no I’m not talking about bringing out the NSYNC Christmas CD. That happened a month ago of course), it’s the time of year when we make our lists and check them twice. We write lists of presents, lists […]
It’s that time of year! Even though my chances of a white Christmas are about one in a million this year, I can still get into the spirit with my favorite holiday tunes. So here they are! Hark the Herald Angels Sing by Mannheim Steamroller […]
What would you wish for if you had one chance? This month the princesses are reflecting on what we would change about our lives if we could change one thing. It’s a tough question. For some, there’s too many things to choose from. For others, […]
I’m just going to come right out and say it. I was my parents’ DD last night. Yup, you read that right, DD as in Designated Driver (Sober Soldier, Chaste Chauffeur, Timid Transporter, Glum Guide, Boring Betsy… did I just get carried away?) I, a […]