A field guide to growing up without growing apart

Naughty Princesses

Thanks for existing

Hello! It feels like forever since I last posted, funny how that seems to be the theme we’ve got going lately, all of us princesses sort of putting this old blog on the back burner while real life takes all our attention. We’ve been at […]

Some notes on Old English charms: or why being a PhD student is the best.

Hey there blogging world!  It’s been a long time!  I feel bad to have left you all hanging so long there’s just been lots of stuff happening!  First, Sleeping Booty was here visiting me—for the first time ever—and we were basically having a great time […]

Winter Blues

Guys, I’m in a rut. I may even be depressed. It’s the halfway mark for my student teaching, meaning in 8+ weeks I’ll be back with my hubby (YAY!) in that sunny desert-place we call home. But right now, I’m living with my parents in […]

For S.B., Wherever We may Find Her

As many of you know, Sleeping Booty is currently on a European adventure. Now of course she is having a lot of fun, but recently she admitted to the fellow princesses that she was missing quality girl time. She expressed the need for some female […]

Are Short Term Friends Worth it?

Hey kids! Turns out I’ve been wandering Europe for two weeks! Only 18 more to go! Every day so far has been nonstop packed with sightseeing or friend making so I’m appreciative to be sitting on a relaxing 9 hour bus ride from Edinburgh to […]

Texts From Last Night

I came of age with the first cell-phone technology, and I vividly remember the day when a high school friend first taught me how to use t9 to text. Since then cell phones have become even more ubiquitous, and today most people are never without […]


Language barriers suck.  This has always been true, but has been affecting me more than usual in the last few days, so I decided to share a short rant with my fellow readers. So, the house I live in hosts a variety of different people.  […]

I’m Too Young for This Shit

Recently Snow Whore shared her Murtaugh List—the things she’s outgrown and can’t be bothered with as a twenty-something. I loved her post, and it inspired me to respond: here’s my list of things I’m simply too young to be doing, yet, somehow I am. You […]

February COTM: Packing List

OH MAN. So I’m leaving in a few days for what can only be described as an epic adventure (5 months traveling around Europe just because I can) and while excited, I have to admit the planning process has been slightly overwhelming… and I’m almost […]

I’m Too Old For This Sh**

If any of you have watched much of How I Met Your Mother, you already know exactly where I’m going with this post. In one episode, Ted talks about the character Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon. One of his most famous lines is “I’m too old […]

Happy, But a Little Bit Sad

Today is my last day of work. Its slow here, not much left to do now that my time is almost up. I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time, it’s different than I expected though; I didn’t think I’d be so […]

I Hate It When I Cry

There’s something I really don’t like about myself: occasionally something will happen that makes me cry. And not just cry, like really lose it. Usually it’s some mistake I’ve made or a social interaction that didn’t go well, but once my reaction is triggered, it’s […]