A field guide to growing up without growing apart


February COTM: Packing List

OH MAN. So I’m leaving in a few days for what can only be described as an epic adventure (5 months traveling around Europe just because I can) and while excited, I have to admit the planning process has been slightly overwhelming… and I’m almost […]

I’m Too Old For This Sh**

If any of you have watched much of How I Met Your Mother, you already know exactly where I’m going with this post. In one episode, Ted talks about the character Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon. One of his most famous lines is “I’m too old […]

Christmas Moments

I’ve been dreading Christmas. Usually I love Christmas, but this year my husband is off working on a ship and I am spending Christmas alone with my parents. To me this sounded like a recipe for disaster. Not because I hate my parents, but because […]

We’re Grateful

It’s Thanksgiving! And there is no better time to thank all the wonderful people and bloggers who’ve inspired and supported us over our first year of blogging. We’re so appreciative for this online community and incredibly shocked by the amount of love we’ve received from […]

The Odd Couple

Right now I am in a real life odd couple situation. My husband has been away from home for the last month working on a cruise ship. But right before he left, one of his best friends moved into our guest room to stay for […]

Condition of the Month – November: Quarter-life Crisis

OUR QUARTER LIFE CRISIS IS HERE! In the spirit of me and Cindy turning 25 in a few days, I’ve asked the girls to discuss their Quarter Life Crisis for November’s Condition of The Month. Maybe it has to do with Thanksgiving gratefulness, or maybe […]

Fashion Flip Out

There are many awkward things about being in your twenties.  We talk about a lot of these things on this blog.  Awkward relationships, career paths, schooling choices, you name it. Recently, however, I’ve stumbled upon an awkward part of my twenties that I’d never fully […]


Patience has never been one of my strong suits. I know that it’s a virtue and all that, but knowing doesn’t make having patience any easier.  This is a struggle I’ve dealt with pretty much my whole life, but it’s been coming to the surface […]

The Time’s They Are A Changin’

Fall is here! According to my facebook newsfeed, that means it’s time for everyone to freak the hell out because pumpkin spice lattes are back in Starbucks. But for me, it just means a hopeful season of change.  At least I hope so. I’ve been […]

Music of my Soul

  Sometimes, I don’t have brilliant words to say. Sometimes, I don’t even have any words to say. When that happens, I turn to music. As I mentioned in my last post, my husband and I have been going through a rough time lately because […]

Losing Control

This summer has been a whirlwind for me. For most people, summer is a time of relaxation, vacation, and having fun. For me it’s been a time of never ending work, constant emotional breakdowns and financial woes. You may have noticed my decreased presence on […]

The Sensible One

My husband and I are in a bit of a rough spot. About a month ago he lost his job. We had a bit of money saved up, so we will be ok as long as he isn’t without work for a long time. But, […]