A field guide to growing up without growing apart

Condition of the Month–December

What would you wish for if you had one chance?

This month the princesses are reflecting on what we would change about our lives if we could change one thing. It’s a tough question. For some, there’s too many things to choose from. For others, it’s a challenge just to come up with something. The thing all of our wishes have in common is that they, like many wishes, probably won’t come true anytime soon. But we can still dream, can’t we?

I brainstormed quite a few things I’d like to change about my life, but one by one, I shot them down, because I knew that even if that one thing changed, I wouldn’t be truly satisfied. It wouldn’t make a difference. If any of those things was truly a priority, I could make it happen. But since I had to choose something to change, I chose something that would free up a little extra time in my world so I could focus on doing what I love.

I wish I had alreacinderslut tile (2)dy finished my Master’s degree. Not that I wasn’t doing it at all—I know a Master’s will greatly benefit me in the long run. I just wish it was already over. My classes teach me good things, but they can’t compare to the constant, intense learning experience I’m having in the classroom all day long. It would be nice to have all the theory under my belt already, so I could focus more of my brain on actually teaching. As it is I have an average of 1-2 hours of work per day to do to keep up with the workload, and just think what I could be accomplishing in those hours if I didn’t have to spend them writing essays, writing discussion posts, and reading endless articles! Of course, I could have avoided this whole problem and already been a bonafide, certified teacher long ago if I had gone to a university with an undergraduate teaching program. But then I never would have met the Little Merskank, Snow Whore, and Sleeping Booty. I guess things really do happen the way they happen for a reason.


This was a hard question for me to answer.  In almost every way I am very happy with my life right now.  I absolutely love what I get to do everyday: I study in one of the best schools in the world; I get to learn dead languages and drink cappuccinos; I love my housemates; I love my supervisors– basically, things are great.  One thing I would change in my life though if I could would be my relationship with my sister.  My sister and mother had a big filittle merskank tileght about a year ago and haven’t been speaking since.  I have talked to my sister a few times since then, but now it has been months since we talked.  I feel guilty like I should contact her but I know that if I do she will want to talk down my mom and expect me to take her side (something I can’t do, not least because I feel she is wrong).  Basically, if I could change something in my life I would bring peace and reconciliation to my family– that my mom, my sister, my brother and myself could all be friends again.  Sadly, I really don’t foresee this happening any time soon.

–The Little Merskank

If there were one thing about my life that I could change right now, it would be the freedom to travel more. I like my job and I like where I live, but I feel like my soul is meant to travel. It wouldn’t even have to be very far. I get envious of my friends who have the time and money to visit friends in other cities for a three day weekend.

snowwhore tile

But you see, I don’t get a three day weekend. Ever. When you work in the tourism industry, everyone else’s three day weekends become your busiest time. I’m just lucky if I get two days off in a row. And even if that did happen—guaranteed they would not line up with my husband’s days off. And even if, miracle of miracles, we could both get the same days off, we couldn’t justify spending that much money on plane tickets, because we don’t really have money to spend   on plane tickets.

But I can dream. I can dream about the kind of job that is salaried instead of by the hour. That would pay me well enough that I would steal away fun weekends visiting my friends in Colorado, Utah, New York, etc. And even more than that, I would love two weeks of vacation every year, so that my husband and I could go on a big international trip. We have such a long list of places we want to visit, and I’d love to start checking them off.

–Snow Whore

This is tough. I’m not sure where I exactly I want to take my answer. I could go the Miss America route and humbly declare all I want is world peace sleeping booty tileor a booming global economy. On a large scale I’d love to see discrimination forgotten about or false advertising taken off the shelves. I’d especially be all for getting rid of the concepts of “I suck at math,” “thinspiration,” and “I don’t like musicals.” Or I could go small and ask for a few more hours to sleep(or not) at night or an unlimited number of Trefoil cookies at my disposal. It would also be nice to have justified total self confidence or be impermeable to bug bites. And I couldn’t go wrong with my standard superhero answer of being able to teleport (The saddest thing about reading Harry Potter is that now I have a hole in my heart where aparating should be). Or maybe I’d even like to change something from the past to change my future, like asking my grandmother more about her life or stopping myself from swinging that baseball bat.

But then again, do I really want to change anything? I mean, I’ve got it about as good as any one person can get. And besides, don’t I trust myself and my future enough to know that I’ll make the changes I need to make when the time comes? Aren’t I capable of going after and finding what makes me happy? If I’m not happy shouldn’t I be changing something?

So what do I want to change about my life right now? The answer is I don’t know. Everything and nothing, I suppose. I want to know I’ll be alright in the future, but I know then the fun of finding out will be gone. I want to travel all the time, but I know I’ll miss out on my relationships. I want to have the best job ever, but then I know I’ll always be thinking about the second best. I want my dog Rhoda to stay healthy and young forever, but then she’ll miss us when we’re gone. I want my skin to be perfect all the time, but I know I’d just find something else to worry about. I want to know what I want, but I never want to lose sight of seeing both sides. So, Monthly Condition, there you have it. I want everything to change, without changing anything at all.

–Sleeping Booty

1 thought on “Condition of the Month–December”

  • I don’t think any of these are unreasonable! Maybe in the short term, yes, but all our dreams can come true! Snow Whore may be tethered to her life at home now, but she could get a new job anytime! and find some cool volunteer programs that cost no money! Have your prince start looking in his free time, once he sets his mind to something IT HAPPENS. As for Cinderslut I’m so proud that your doing it all that i can’t even really say anything other than it will be over soon! besides, you don’t want to focus all your energy on your classroom, then there would be nothing new for next year! it’s like you get a few first years of teaching instead of having to cram it all into one! And Merskank I know your sister loves you and all it takes is time to mend old wounds. One of these days you’ll reconnect and it will be like nothing happened. No one can resist you. And as for me, i didn’t really wish for anything in particular so by default my wishes come true!

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