A field guide to growing up without growing apart

My White Dress

As some of you may know from previous postings, I am currently trying to lose weight. It has actually been going fairly well, and I’ve lost over 15 pounds so far. However, it isn’t the number on the scale that makes me the most excited. It is the fact that I can once again fit nicely into my white dress. 

When I started college I became obsessed with finding the perfect white dress. Not a wedding dress, but a crisp white dress with a big skirt that makes a giant circle when I twirl. I got this idea from watching too many movies. But I had to have it. It was my pilgrimage. To find the perfect twirling dress. After nearly six months of searching I found it in a mall in Cinderslut’s hometown, while the naughty princesses were having a fun weekend away from college. I couldn’t believe it. It hugged my body on the top, and the skirt just floated down nicely, until I began to spin and it whirled out like a dream. There was even a second layer under the skirt that stayed down so I would expose no underwear. But then, unfortunately–I had to look at the price tag. It was way more money than I could justify spending. So sadly I left it at the store. 

Months later, Cinderslut tells me that she cannot wait until my birthday because she has the perfect present for me. I was very very curious, and soon got infuriated when I found out everyone knew what this perfect gift was, but wouldn’t tell me. My birthday finally came, and when I ripped the tissue paper out of the gift bag from Cinderslut, I saw my white dress. I screamed in such a high pitch that dogs were cringing from five miles away. Immediately I put it on and started waltzing. Ever since then my white dress has been with me through all important occasions. It was by far my favorite outfit. 

So when I started to gain weight and it was harder and harder to get the zipper up, I wore it and kept it anyway. It made me infinitely sad, but there was no way I could give up my white dress. Eventually it was just relegated to the back of my closet, sitting sad on the hanger. Until last sunday that is. I was searching for what to wear and I came across it. I knew I had lost weight, but I still wasn’t sure if it would be enough for my white dress. I hesitated for a long time because I didn’t think I could bear it if I tried it on again and the zipper still wouldn’t go up. But I had to know. So I slipped into it, and before my wondering eyes, the zipper slid cleanly up with no problems. It was like a dream! I was my younger dancing self all over again. I felt more beautiful than I had in a long long time. 

It feels so wonderful to have my white dress back. 

2 thoughts on “My White Dress”

  • Yay! I’m so glad the white dress is back in action. Teasing you with hints about it and finally watching you open it remains one of my favorite memories from college. The gift that keeps on giving!


    Us: Snow Whore we have an awesome present for you! It might be white…
    Snow Whore: What is it!?!? Is it something i’ve seen before or maybe it’s even that white dress… guys tell me! if it’s that dress i’ll….
    Us: Build me up! Buttercup!
    Snow Whore: Baby just to let me down!

    and just like that the topic was changed.

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