A field guide to growing up without growing apart

The Fairest One of All

Not only is today Thanksgiving, but it is also Snow Whore’s birthday. In honor of our fair friend, here’s a surprise post to show her how much we love and appreciate her!

little merskank tileSo today Snow is turning 25! I can’t believe it! I still have fun memories of many previous birthdays we shared together. One that sticks in my mind was in 7th grade. It was an epic middle-school-girls sleep over complete with many late night snack runs into the kitchen, and games of truth or dare (maybe my mind is making up crazy stories, but did someone go and sing a song about…. a banana to Snow’s older brother’s door? I think it happened). I also remember birthdays in our college days, with dorm-room parties and fun-fetti cake. I believe Booty still has one of the best ones on tape, when Cindy fulfilled Snow’s dream of being a princess by buying her the perfect, white, twirly dress.

We’ve had so many good times together, I have to say that I am sad to have missed this birthday… and the last one… and the one before that. England has some advantages (old books, holla!), but it has some real disadvantages- like the fact that I am never home to celebrate with you, Snow Whore! But I still love you and miss you and hope that your birthday is epic enough to rival even the best ones of those that came before!

–The Little Merskank

cinderslut tileSW, you’re one of those people I know was placed in my life for a reason. From our first shared laughs in Spanish class to every crazy thing we’ve done since, I’ve always had a blast with you around. You are the life of the party and made mundane things like riding the bus and making breakfast into special moments. Now you’re turning 25! You’ve come so far since we met as 18 year old college freshmen, but the important things have stayed the same—your faith, your friendships, and your amazing zest for life. I’m really proud of how hard you’ve worked in the last few months, kicking booty at your job and persevering through the new challenge of having your husband out of town for weeks at a time. Our lives are more complicated than they were 7 years ago, but I’m sure we’ve got what it takes—don’t forget that. Your birthday falls on Thanksgiving this year, which reminds me more than ever how grateful I am to have you in my life, even if I can’t have you in my arms to give you your birthday hug. I hope you have an amazing birthday surrounded by family—and know that you have three sisters across the world missing you and loving you!


sleeping booty tileI’ve decided to show my birthday love via acrostic poem, mostly because I think they’re awesome but also because Snow has written so many beautiful poems I’ve appreciated in the past. So this one’s for you, the fairest one of all, Happy 25th Birthday.


S is for STUPENDEOUS, because that is who she is.

N is for NATURAL TALENT, because that is what she lives.

O is for OUTGOING, there’s no one quite like her,

W is for WONDERFUL, she’s aware of that, I’m sure.

W is for WILD, her heart cannot be tamed,

H is for HONEST, her feelings cannot be feigned.

O is for ORIGIONAL, she’s always a surprise,

R is for RADIENT, she brings light to all our lives.

And E is for EXTRAORDINARY, my favorite girl it’s true,

Snow Whore you are one of a kind, I’ll love you till I’m blue.

–Sleeping Booty


Happy Birthday, girl! You’ll always be the fairest in our hearts.

1 thought on “The Fairest One of All”

  • You guys are the best! I’m so touched. This birthday really wasn’t that exciting for me in that I had no real celebration for it because it was just Thanksgiving. So this means a lot.

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