A field guide to growing up without growing apart

Tag: Christmas

Hosting My First Christmas

Ah, adulthood. Aren’t our 20s just chock-full of coming-of-age experiences? After all, that’s what this blog is about. Well, this December I reached another milestone of adulthood: I hosted Christmas for the first time. My in-laws were making their first (and hopefully not last) big […]

Condition of the Month–December 2014

It’s time for the holidays! What’s on your Christmas list this year? For us, not much, really. Just, you know, fulfilling careers, new cars, family approval, and more than 24 hours in the day. Hopefully we Naughty Princesses have been nice enough to receive a […]

Christmas Moments

I’ve been dreading Christmas. Usually I love Christmas, but this year my husband is off working on a ship and I am spending Christmas alone with my parents. To me this sounded like a recipe for disaster. Not because I hate my parents, but because my hometown is boring and my mom and I rub each other the wrong way, and no one else would be there to be a buffer.

But as I was sitting in the back seat of my grandparents’ car on the way home with everyone last night, a wonderful moment happened. I should say a hilarious moment happened. Suddenly two really obnoxious ringtones started going off simultaneously.  One was very obviously coming from my grandfather’s pocket, and the other was coming from the car itself. Everyone except my grandpa started reacting because it was way, way too loud. We all look at him and say “grandpa that’s your phone.”  “No, no” he says, “That’s the car phone, you have to pick it up on the car” he says to my dad. “Well, which button do I press?” My dad asks. “The one on the console” he says. “Dad, there’s more than one button on the console, why don’t you just answer your phone to stop it.” “My phone is not going off, it’s the car phone.” “It’s the same phone grandpa, pick up your phone please so this awful noise can stop.” “But my phone isn’t going off, I don’t hear it.” “Yes it is grandpa, we can all hear it.” Then suddenly the noise stops. Finally the person hung up.

As we all start rolling our eyes, my grandpa finally pulls his iPhone out of his pocket (whichever salesman decided it was totally fine to give an 80 year old an iPhone needs to come talk to me so I can knock some sense into him). “Did I miss it?” he asks innocently. I take his phone and examine it for him. “Grandpa you have six unheard voicemails”. “I can get voicemails?” He asks, so innocently. “How do I see them?” We then proceed to go through his voicemails one by one and I quickly realize he hasn’t checked his messages in months because we find an unheard message from the beginning of October. Then my parents start lecturing him about how important it is to check these because he is going to miss something important, as is evident from the several missed messages from his doctor.

Old people and technology. As I sat in the car silently laughing to myself I realized my holiday had already been made.  This is a memory I will cherish for many years to come.  Merry Christmas everyone!

Operation Holiday Shopping

Remember when you were a kid, and your parents took care of buying all the presents for various family members and friends on birthdays and Christmas? Those were the good ol’ days. Not only could you pick out a sweet birthday present for your friend […]

All I Want For Christmas Is You

What do you buy for the guy who has everything? As Christmas day approached, this was the question I was pondering in regards to a certain husband of mine. I’ve always known boys are more difficult to buy for than girls, my dad and brothers […]

Christmas and Families

This Christmas I was in the odd position of not being the hostess in my own home. I had gotten my parents to agree to come to our house since I got practically no time off of work. Convincing them was a miracle in the highest order, because my mother has a death grip on her family Christmases at home that is so strong even the hulk could do nothing about it. It was weird to be hosting, but in a good way. It made me feel like a true adult to be hosting Christmas. However that feeling did not last for long.

I guess my mother has hostessing so ingrained in her that she brought the title with her. It was a traveling show of all the food, presents, games and ambiance you need to make Christmas happen anywhere. Now I did my best to have everything ready, but when my parents brought their two tons of stuff in for the two days they were spending with me, my role was taken away. Now this wasn’t necessarily such a bad thing, it was just an odd feeling. It was kind of like my house was taken away from me. All I can say is at least I got a free meal out of the deal. And I didn’t even have to do the dishes.

My Sister

It’s that time of year again folks (no I’m not talking about bringing out the NSYNC Christmas CD. That happened a month ago of course), it’s the time of year when we make our lists and check them twice. We write lists of presents, lists […]

Cinderslut’s Christmas Playlist

It’s that time of year! Even though my chances of a white Christmas are about one in a million this year, I can still get into the spirit with my favorite holiday tunes. So here they are! Hark the Herald Angels Sing by Mannheim Steamroller […]