A field guide to growing up without growing apart

Tag: crush

A Milestone In My Life: Reconnecting With Him Ten Years Later

A Milestone In My Life: Reconnecting With Him Ten Years Later

So there was this guy. I know, I know, for as single as I am (hint: very) I write about boys a disproportional amount. How many crushes and almosts can a girl really talk about before her friends start to worry? But, please, bear with […]

My Friends’ Brothers

Oh brothers. But this time I’m not talking about the kind you think. This post is about the non-kin kind, the kind of brothers that felt so alien when you were younger but now seem like your friend’s twin, the kind of brothers you’ve never […]

Meeting your Hero

merlinSo, you know that BBC series Merlin?  And you know that guy who plays Gwaine?  And you think he is the most attractive man to walk the planet, playing the most chivalrous  Arthurian character to grace the pages of Malory?  No?   Well, me either.  But my housemate Brandy* does.  All year long I have been hearing about Gwaine, also known as Eoin Macken, and how he is the best thing since sliced bread.  For Brandy, no man in her life could ever compare to Gwaine or be as attractive as Eoin Macken.  For her, he is simply the best.

Well, a little over a week ago, Brandy and I got tickets to go see the new Globe production of the Tempest.  I’ve been to the Globe before, but it is still one of my favourite venues of all time.  It  is reconstructed to look like the original Elizabethian Globe, which was open topped so that the stage received naturalglobe_theatre_london light, with seats arranged in a semi-circle surrounding it.  The Globe is also special because, just like in Elizabethian days, it sells standing tickets.  The standing tickets are cheap, only five quid and you get to strand right in front of the stage in what is called ‘the pit’—could you get more medieval?  And since they only use period instruments and decorations it really is an epic experience.  Besides, who doesn’t love Shakespeare?**

So, for these reasons, visiting the Globe is always something I am up for.  However, in this case there was an added impetus for seeing this particular show: Merlin’s star Colin Morgan was going to be playing the spritely Ariel.  So, of course, we had to go.  There was no question.

gwaineSo the day of the production arrives, and we don our theatre attire and zip on the train down to London.   We meet up with a friend of Brandy’s and then have quick dinner before picking up our tickets at the theatre.   The first half goes by rather uneventfully, although I am of course enjoying the lively performance.  For, Brandy, however, something much more exciting is happening.  She pulls me aside at intermission:

‘you know he is here, right?’


‘Eoin Macken, Oh My God.  He is here.’


‘—are you telling me you didn’t see him?!’

‘Brandy, to be honest, I don’t think I could recognize him.’

‘Oh, my God.  He is over across the way- sitting on the other side.  I can’t believe you didn’t see him.  I have been watching him this whole time.  He was sitting over there!’

‘Over there?  Brandy, I can’t see anything over there.  It’s so far away.  Are you sure it’s him?’

‘I am sure.  I am 100 percent sure.  Oh my God.’

Well needless to say, we stalked him out.  Turns out he was there on a date, which was a bit disappointing for Brandy.  But, beggars can’t be choosers: how often do you get to see your celebrity crush in real life?  My only lament is that we were a little too shy to get an autograph, since he was obviously there just living his own life.  But we did get a picture… one with them, in a line and us hovering oh so subtly next to them.

For me, this was a funny story, but for Brandy it was a big deal.  She got to see Eoin Macken, the Eoin Macken in the flesh.  Now the rest of us might not even know who that is, or even care, but for Brandy it was something to check off a life list.  She had met *cough, cough* Gwaine.  That is why I am posting this: because, as a naughty princess, I should know more than anyone else: dreams do come true.

* name changed to protect the innocent from potential embarrassment
** For some reason, Cinderslut has Shakespeare issues.  However, it is my belief that if she were to visit the Globe this stance might soften.

I’m a Crusher

My name is Sleeping Booty and I’m a crusher. A few days ago I read a psychology study circulating the internet that claimed a crush lasting over 4 months crosses over into the territory of love. While I’m not sure I agree, it still got […]