A field guide to growing up without growing apart

Tag: driving

Condition of the Month-January

It’s everyone’s favorite time of the month again. Since we just started a new year, the princesses decided to do a bit of reflection. Being in your twenties is the awkward time  when you don’t really feel like an adult but you don’t think you’re […]

Backstreet Boys: Catalyst for World-Changing Social Progress

Have you ever heard of Manal al-Sharif? Perhaps not, but now you have, and you’ll be better for it. Manal is an example of a normal person who made a courageous choice to defy a social custom she thought was repressive and unjust. The Oslo […]

Plans….Or lack thereof

Last Sunday I had one of the best days I’ve had in a while. My husband and I didn’t have any plans and so I said we should just get in the car and drive somewhere. So that’s what we did. We drove with no destination in mind. The only rules we had were to turn a different way at each stoplight we came to. It was sunny and beautiful and we ended up roaming around neighborhoods we’d never been through, and stopping to take pictures at an ocean view park.

Now, while no one aspect of our journey was incredibly thrilling, we were thrilled the entire time, simply because it was spontaneous. It’s been a while since I realized how much fun not having a plan can be. I feel like all you hear about in your twenties is making a plan, for your career, your relationships, everything! You feel this constant pressure to figure things out, have a route for your life that is fully mapped out. Everyone tells you that following a plan is the only way to have a truly successful and and fulfilled life.

Well, success is all well and good, but I’m here to tell you that I had more fun in those three unplanned hours than I’ve had during the countless hours post-graduation that have been spent fruitlessly trying to follow a set plan. Aren’t the best things that happen in life the unexpected ones? I find myself wondering why I worry so much when my “life plan” doesn’t work out. Because whenever my plan hasn’t worked out, it has led the way to other incredible opportunites that I hadn’t even considered. It’s so much more exciting when you relax and let yourself end up somewhere different.  So save yourself some stressing and add a little spontaneity to your life.