A field guide to growing up without growing apart


I must say that for my post this week I was at a loss on what to write. The creative juices didn’t seem to be flowing freely. Part of this had to do with thinking about what has happened in my life recently. As I tried to think about what’s been going on, I could not come up with much. I’m at a spot where I feel that my life is frankly a little boring.  

It is not that I wish to complain of unhappiness, far from it. However, it just seems to me that most days I spend, working, doing things around the house, and then hanging out with my husband. And maybe about once a week I hang out with friends. None of those things independently are super boring, but I think what I’m feeling is the drowsiness from being sucked into a routine. My days are all spent in a similar fashion. There are not any impending adventures or late night shenanigans. 

It makes me long for the days of college. I remember that any time I did not have something to do, all I had to do was walk to the nearest dorm room of one of my friends and fun would ensue. Oh for the days of late night stair races, spontaneous photo shoots, and jumping in public fountains.  

spontaneous girls night                                                     


Now of course, I could still do those things now. But I feel like the older we all get, the less time we have. Outings are rarely spontaneous, but must be planned far in advance in order to accommodate everyone’s schedules. This Christmas, the four princesses could not even all get together. Only three of us could hang out, and it was only for a couple hours. I’m not blaming anyone for having their own life and schedule, but I just feel like my life isn’t as exciting if I can’t have everyone around me all of the time. 

I guess part of growing up is creating a life that is more separated.  Life can’t be like college forever, having all of your friends only seconds away from you with plenty of spare time for any random adventure you can think of. But that makes me sad, because to me, my friends are my family. So what do you do when your friends start to create their own families? What do you do when you used to share one life, but suddenly everyone has their own?

   In my dreams, there is a world in which all of my favorite people live together in one giant house/ and or in  very close proximity. It only takes me five seconds to walk over to see someone, and there is always someone to talk to. There would be a giant community lodge with a fireplace and it would be stocked with snacks and board games. Also, we would live near the woods and the ocean, so there would always be somewhere to explore. 

I promise I’m not crazy, I just love my friends a lot. I don’t want growing up to mean that we have to grow apart.  

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I miss all of you. I know this was a very convoluted post, and I probably rambled a lot, but that is all I really wanted to say. I miss you. 

3 thoughts on “?”

  • I know what you mean, SW. It is a weird transitional time right now. I too miss our college shenanigans, but I don’t think they’re done forever. 🙂 It’s harder now, but we just have to make the most of the times we do spend together. And commit to staying in touch, whatever it takes. I miss you guys like crazy, but I’m also excited for where our individual lives are going in the future!

  • I’m all for living on a giant compound. I think having constant people in your life(in addition to your family) is so so so important. But in the rare case that that doesn’t work out I think we’re all prepared to fight for our friendships. We know what it takes and i think we’re doing pretty stinkin’ awesome so far! So I’m not worried about sticking with you kids for the long hall, but i understand Snow Whore, the right now part isn’t ideal. transitioning you guys from in person friends to long distance ones has been a serious struggle and will continue to be for a long long time. can’t wait for our crazy reunions!

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