A field guide to growing up without growing apart

Crying on the Bus

This morning was the second time I have sat crying on the bus in the last week. I realize that makes me sound depressing and and unstable, but let me explain the circumstances. 

As those of you who have been following the blog might know, my husband lost his job this summer and was struggling to figure out what he wanted to do in life. After a lot of closed doors and endless searching he realized he wanted to enroll in a two year program that will give him training to be a mate on a boat. I was fully supportive of this plan, and glad that he had something to strive for because I knew it would be good for him. However, that training doesn’t start until March. Until then, he figured it would be a good idea to try and get work on a boat of some sort so that he could log hours of what they call “sea time” which you need a certain amount of to get through each level of training. He had an interview with a cruise ship company and they decided to hire him on the spot, and asked him to be in Connecticut in one week. One week to prepare for my husband being gone for two months straight. Hence the hysterics. 

You see, I don’t do well being alone. And my husband and I have never been apart for longer than 24 hours since being married, and never been apart for longer than 12 days in our entire relationship. I realize that there are a lot of couples who have to deal with situations like this, but that doesn’t make it any easier. My emotions are so close to the surface right now, that they are liable to burst out at any moment. Unfortunately those moments keep happening on the bus. I will say, I didn’t help the situation by listening to emotional ballads by the script and the lumineers… 

Anyway, my husband leaves tonight at 10:30pm on a plane and I have no idea how I will handle it. Stay tuned. 

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