A field guide to growing up without growing apart

Reality Check

ImageI feel like I haven’t been posting on the blog much recently.  Of course I can give the excuse that I’ve been “busy”( refer to my many posts about the chaos at my work), but that excuse is lame. What I’ve started to realize over the past week is that I’ve fallen prey to the ‘keep your head down’ syndrome. 

With everything being so crazy lately, I haven’t been taking any real time to myself, and more importantly, I haven’t been taking any time to stop and think. It’s been get up, go to work, be very busy, come home tired, try to exercise, go to sleep, repeat.  It’s an endless cycle that isn’t very satisfying and isn’t very fun either.  I wouldn’t say that I’m unhappy, but I would say I’m stuck in monotony without a clear path out.  What I could really use is a vacation, but I won’t be able to go anywhere for at least another 2 months. 

That’s a big part of why I haven’t been writing. I sit down at the computer and I think, there’s nothing happening in my life. This week is exactly the same as the one before it, except this Monday I made steak instead of chicken. But then another part of me thinks, geez what am I complaining for? My life is too boring? Talk about First World Problems.   

But whether my complaints are valid or not, I’ve decided I need to consciously start dreaming again. Start exploring. I shouldn’t just goImage to the mall on my day off because it’s easy. I want to go on a new hike, explore a town I’ve never been to-even just go to a different restaurant.  I may not be able to control the insanity of my work life, but I can control what I do in my life outside of work. I’ve become too unbalanced lately. While my husband was travelling for a month, I think I let my whole life be work, because then I didn’t have to think about how much I missed him.  And at the same time, I was feeling sorry that reality and finances were keeping me from all of the places far and wide that I’ve really dreamed of going.  But now he’s back, and I will drag him right along with me. I may not have much money, and I may not be able to go far, but that won’t stop me from making the most out of my free time.  I want to start spending more time outside of the house than in it. I need to momentarily check out of reality in order to keep my sanity. 

2 thoughts on “Reality Check”

  • I support this! It’s too easy to get bogged down in work and the more mundane stuff in life. And if there’s anyone I know who knows how to create fun, it’s you SW! I hope for future posts telling us about how you’ve busted out of your bubble. 🙂

  • This is SO WONDERFUL! It’s so true that our own community and cities are not to be missed! If I’ve learned anything from traveling it’s that life is what we make it.

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