A field guide to growing up without growing apart

Tag: friendship

Are Short Term Friends Worth it?

Hey kids! Turns out I’ve been wandering Europe for two weeks! Only 18 more to go! Every day so far has been nonstop packed with sightseeing or friend making so I’m appreciative to be sitting on a relaxing 9 hour bus ride from Edinburgh to […]

Top Ten Musicals Every Twenty-Something Needs to See

Hey kids! Sorry for the lack of posts. We’ve been busy over the holidays, starting new jobs, planning new adventures, saying goodbye to husbands, showing off for guests. And I wish I could say we’re back for good but I know my year is starting […]

We’re Grateful

princess tile stackIt’s Thanksgiving! And there is no better time to thank all the wonderful people and bloggers who’ve inspired and supported us over our first year of blogging. We’re so appreciative for this online community and incredibly shocked by the amount of love we’ve received from you beautiful strangers.

Thanks to Lauren from Life on a Branch and Erin at Roamin 4 Happiness for nominating us as inspirational bloggers. Both of their sites just ooze twenty-somethingness and it’s wonderful to read about their journeys. Talk about inspiring.

And Tanisha at My Knotted Life just nominated us for a Liebster award! We’re sure you’ll find her as adorable as we do. And she crafts!

We were also lucky enough to contribute as guest posters this year. Thanks to Katie at Ask the Young Professional and David at 20somethings in 2013 for featuring our stories and being host to others. We twenty-somethings need all the camaraderie we can get.

And just because we can, here is a list of a few other writers we think you should check out. It’s a Thanksgiving smorgasbord!

  • Grace, Mae and Kate at The Confederacy of Spinsters: Reading the Spinsters’ blog is why we decided to try this in the first place. If you aren’t subscribed to their witty and relevant posts, go do it immediately.
  • Tijana at I Love The Danger in Distance:  An Aussie with an incredible knack for everything twenty-something. Is there anything she doesn’t cover?
  • Erin at Broke Millennial: As much as we like to pretend we’re not ‘real’ adults yet, every time we read Erin’s posts we’re reminded we actually are. Without her twenty-something perspective on finance we’d be even more in the red than we already are.
  • Kate at Leaving the Land of Cotton: This girl has no filter – in the best way. Her stream of conscious posts always make us smile.
  • Amie at Chasing Conversations: We love that she tells everyday stories and makes them extraordinary. We take our lives one conversation at a time.
  • E, J, B, V, H, L, S, and W at Borderline Adults: Anonymous twenty-somethings after our own hearts.
  • Rebecca at Working Self:  She’s the goal. We all want to be her when we grow up (and right now). How does someone so awesome still seem so incredibly down to earth?
  • Kate at A Bit of Copy:  She’s just starting out. But we love her already.

So thanks kids. We didn’t expect this little anonymous project of ours to reach anyone except the four of us, but we’re so grateful that it has. Here is to even more connection in the coming year! Thanks so much for being a part of it.


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P.s. Anyone we missed? Of course! Help us spread the word about great authors in the comments below.

A Reason to Celebrate: Twins On Our 25th Year

It’s my birthday! And Cindy’s birthday! And we’re turning 25. Holy. Crap. This time last year Cindy wrote a beautiful ode to our twinship, explaining how learning of our shared birthday has become such an important part of our lives since. This year I wanted […]

I’m Back!

Hey there Princesses, I’m alive! And hello there to all you readers of our little blog that helps us 20-somethings stay in touch! It feels like our audience has doubled in the last few weeks I’ve been off the grid and though we get little […]

My Friends’ Brothers

urlOh brothers. But this time I’m not talking about the kind you think.

This post is about the non-kin kind, the kind of brothers that felt so alien when you were younger but now seem like your friend’s twin, the kind of brothers you’ve never really had a conversation with and yet you know more about them than their Facebook page could ever say, the kind of bothers that are so attractive that when they stop by to pick your friend up for Thanksgiving you’re not sure how long it took you to stop staring at the door after they left. I’m talking about the kind of brothers that are way more complicated than your own, because how on earth are you supposed to interact with a human who your friend both adores, hates, looks up to and is entirely disgusted by  – especially when said brother happens to be flirting back.

Chances are you’ve come upon many a brotherly flirtation over the years, awkward interactions at sleepovers, passing the platter at dinner, bonding over your friend’s hysterical quirk. These are the boys you’re supposed to ignore, tease or despise and yet I can’t be the only one who has trouble ignoring my favorite qualities in my friends that also happen to come in a nicely packaged xy-chromosome exterior. Doesn’t falling for your best friend’s brother make perfect sense?!

We all know I’m a crusher by nature, so really it is undeniable that the siblings of my friends would end up on my radar. It is no secret that I can’t wait for Cindy’s youngest brother to grow into a stud and that I think my friend’s brother Simon is the most attractive thing to ever happen. The only brother I think I’ve managed to avoid crushing on is Charlie, the one whose twin is my oldest friend. The three of us grew up together, and I’ve been told I should end up with him so many times that just this weekend when a family friend asked me when we were going to get to together I knew just what to say to change the subject. I love Charlie and I can’t deny that whenever he seeks me out to catch up I’m thrilled, but it’s not fun to crush on people you’re told to, especially when every other one of your friends has fallen for him at one point or another.

On the whole I can usually keep my emotions in check when it comes to brothers, keeping my crush in the realm of a joke or the unreal because they’re usually just that, attractions that I have no intention of genuinely pursuing. But interacting with brothers is a delicate balance and it’s really too bad that the one person you want to discuss it with is your one friend who really doesn’t want to hear it.

2940016462738_p0_v1_s260x420So this weekend when I hung out with one of said brothers, it was pretty much a given I’d have all sorts of conflicting emotions.

I’ve gone camping with him and his sister hundreds of times and though it has been a year since I’ve seen either of them, we are used to picking right up where we left off. He’s grown up a ton in the last few years, jumping from angsty teen to active, optimistic, 20-something in what feels like a matter of seconds. So it was nice to get to know this older, awesome version of a kid whose homemade fireworks I used to run from, especially when he made it clear how highly he thought of me and my family (he called us the salt of the earth) and how undeniably awesome he was when it came to doing the things around camp that needed to be done. Out of all of us this weekend he was the rock, the one that never complained and always put a smile on our faces. His attitude and energy level just blew me away and he went out of his way to make me and everyone feel appreciated. I am so proud of him and how far he‘s come.

So at first it was great that he and the awesome friend I brought along hit it off. They bonded over everything, looking at the world in many of the same ways and sharing an affinity for hiking and skiing. I was glad that she’d settled in well to our group, and even impressed at how easily they flirted. But as the hours turned to days I found myself incredibly and uselessly jealous. Jealous of the time he kept her away from me, jealous of the attention she kept him from giving me, jealous of the way they looked at each other while I was sitting alone.

I think that was the biggest problem; I was watching an all too familiar adventure from the sidelines. River trips are magical weekends, throwing together people for days on end without technology or real life to distract us from what makes us happy. When I was 17 the older (much older) cousin of my friend came along on one of our trips and he and I became inseparable. He’d seek me out when I was sitting alone and throw me over his shoulder when we were playing touch football. Over campfires he told me I had my whole life ahead of me and under the stars he was the first guy to tell me I was beautiful. That trip was a pivotal moment in my life, showing me how I could be and giving me many of the tools to make it so.

That same magic happened again when just last summer I got to the river and my friend’s younger brother was suddenly 20-something and taller than me. He was mine all weekend, flirting and teasing in ways that were way more fun than the sibling-like teasing we used to do. Every time I’ve seen him since that same tension is still there and while I know we won’t actually work out, I can’t deny that the dream of our merged families is fun sometimes.

This time around as I watched my friend flirt with the guy I know is wonderful, it was odd feeling torn between two jealousies. In many ways I wanted another experience like the ones I’d had before; he’s a great guy and there is no reason we wouldn’t work. But in other ways I was on the other side of it, watching my friend make a move on a guy I think of as my brother, feeling slightly betrayed and not altogether okay. I watched as she drew him in, and suddenly I didn’t trust my friend with my almost brother’s emotions. I know it’s all good, both of them are going to be in my life forever whether or not they end up dating and they’re both grown ups – I know they can take care of themselves, but is that how all my friends feel when I flirt with their brothers? Why did it hurt so much to watch two people I love share their happiness? Why do I want to have not only all his attention but also hers? Isn’t knowing we’re all friends enough? Does this come back to the best friend problem?

4781530-256-k222500I shouldn’t be surprised, there have been plenty of moments when my actual brother has sought out one of my friends over me, leaving me thoroughly heartbroken in the process. It’s always something useless, like sharing a link on Facebook, but it still hurts when two people I love share a moment without me. I don’t get that way with his other friends, or even his girlfriends, but people who were ‘mine’ first definitely come with a different set of boundaries. Any idea why?

Mostly everything is fine, we all had a great weekend and I had plenty of beautiful time alone with everyone. I know this particular brother thinks well of me (his sister told me that on their way to the tent one night he said, if there were more people like [Sleeping Booty] in the world it would be a better place). He even got my number from his sister and texted me the next day to make sure we’d promise to hangout more.

I just wish I could figure out how to deal with this mystery that is the brothers of my friends (hug or no hug upon greeting?!) and why it is so difficult for sisters to really be totally okay with their friends and brothers becoming more.

The Desperate Housewife: A World Without Coffee Dates

It’s been two months since I left my job as a high school English teacher behind and moved so my husband could follow his coworkers to their new location. He’s thrown himself into his work, which hasn’t been as fulfilling as he expected, while I’ve […]

Sometimes Growing Up Means Growing Apart; How to Let Go of Your Best Friend

I will never have another best friend. When I was little I used to manipulate other people into doing things I wanted by promising to be their best friend. You’d be surprised how often it worked, most people needing little more than an “I’ll be […]

It’s Not the Same

I miss my friends. I miss my fellow naughty princesses. I know I’ve written a post like this before, but I’m really feeling it right now and so I’m saying it again. I know we have this blog, and skype dates and facebook—but a digital relationship only goes so far.  People talk about how great technology is because it makes it possible to stay in touch with people even when they’re halfway around the world. And that is great. I’d rather have a digital relationship with you than no relationship. But it’s not the same. I need  to see you. I don’t just want to stay in touch with you, I want to be able to actually touch you, and have the comfort of your presence.

Cinderslut: you are my closest married friend and I’ve wanted to talk to you so badly about things in my marriage and I can’t and I hate it. I’m mad because I feel like I can’t talk to you like I used to.  The first year of marriage is exciting, but it’s also hard and a lot of crap happens and you’re the only one I feel comfortable sharing with. But I can’t express everything over instant messaging, and when we skype your husband is always there, or mine is in the next room and I can’t say what I want to say. And I know we’re both busy, and it’s not your fault, but I’m still angry because sometimes I feel like I really need your perspective and there’s this giant wall called the Atlantic Ocean and I can’t reach you. Not really. Not like I want to.

Merskank: I was in our coffee shop today, but you weren’t there, and I missed you with a physical ache.  And all I wanted was for you to sit across from me so I could tell you my fears about the future and we could talk about our goals and how they seem so unattainable at times. I need your thoughtfulness. I need your quirkiness. I need your reassuring presence in my life so that I know that even when I’m lost, at least we can be lost together.  Our conversation is like a balm to my soul, and without it I don’t know how to smooth the roughness.

Sleeping Booty: I was dreaming up a music video in my head the other day, but then I realized I could never do it without you and my heart dropped. It wouldn’t be the same. You have the eye that sees the beauty in me that I have trouble finding sometimes.  We feed off each other’s energy, so what do I do when I don’t have your energy with me?  How can I truly capture what’s important in my life if you aren’t there with the camera?  There are still mementos in my apartment that you left behind, and they only make me miss you more.

I was on campus today, but I didn’t feel anything. No nostalgia, no warmth. Because that place doesn’t mean anything to me without you guys. And I’m not lacking in friends, but none of my other friends feel the same as you. None of them know my story like you do.  And of course, I can get closer to other people and open up with them and feel a close bond, but that doesn’t make the absence of you any easier. There are some people that you know will be with you for life, and that’s you. Our souls are knit together.  I know that we can’t always be physically together. And part of me knows that we probably won’t be very much anymore. And I can accept that normally. But today I can’t.

Opposites Don’t Attach

So I Went To California. Oh man. Where to start? A list of course! Old friends know different things about you than you know yourself. Airports/Airplanes are awesome. (So is leaving notes for your friends to find behind vending machines months later). This trip I […]

Love Letters: Lady Mareena Chapter Four

It is has been a while since I last wrote a Lady Mareena post, and, due to several circumstances in my life, I feel like that time has come again.  I was hesitant about posting this, not least because I fear the judgement not only […]

What happened to Amanda Bynes? And the Top Ten Reasons Why She Will Always Be Awesome

amanda-bynes-straight-brown-hairDon’t get me wrong, I love Easy A. Emma Stone was spot on and everything her parents say makes me happier than a baby monkey riding on a pig, but when my dad and I came across the movie while flipping channels this weekend he said the thing we’ve all been thinking: What happened to Amanda Bynes? There she was plain as day, playing the insecure antagonist when just a few short years ago she would have had this lead on lock. What happened to that actress from The Amanda Show who wasn’t afraid to look ridiculous or take a few risks? What happened to the girl who only accepted roles that showcased her independence, courage and gumption? What happened to the Amanda that inspired a generation of girls to fight for what they want?

Maybe Hollywood happened, I know I would crumble under the pressure of an interviewer telling me to lose 15lbs before he’d hire me. Maybe sex changed her, I heard she likes to meet boys at clubs now and her twitter posts aren’t exactly empowering. Or maybe it was just good old fashioned drugs and alcohol; a ton of alleged hit and run (while possibly intoxicated) charges in the last few years seem to signify a problem. I don’t know what happened, but instead of seeing my favorite energetic, intelligent, passionate on-screen friend, I catch glimpses of someone else, someone wrong. New Amanda seems like an insecure girl who isn’t happy, isn’t inspired, and frankly doesn’t seem to realize who she is. What happened Amanda? Are you okay? How do we get you back?amanda-bynes-caught-smoking-pipe-while-driving-1

I refuse to believe that her writers and directors are solely responsible for her magic. And I refuse to believe that all that epic that she once was has simply disappeared never to return. Maybe it will take a few more years before she figures it out, and maybe it will take a few years after that for everyone else to come back around but until then I’m going to keep on believing in Amanda, because we’re all 20-something and figuring it out; she just has to do it in front of the world.

So here it is! I give you my


  1. She’s a professional. Amanda started acting at 7, that means she’s been working for almost 20 years straight. I’ve been working for three, give or take and I’m already burnt out. Who knows what color my hair will be when I hit 35? I can’t wait to run around without pants!
  2. She’s multi-talented. Did ANYONE ELSE EVER have their own variety show at 13?! Much less a girl? She broke the glass ceiling for funny kids and every other article I read about her past compares her comedic timing to Carol Burnett. As well as Miley Cyrus and the rest of the Disney tweens have done for themselves, no one will ever touch the magnificence that was Nickelodeon’s The Amanda Show.
  3. She’s relatable and inspiring. Say what you want about this cheesy sitcom and her whiny older sister, but Amanda’s character on What I Like About You was a strong, independent role model I still look up to. She was wild and selfish and dramatic, but despite all the mistakes she was never afraid to fight for what she wants. She knew how to get things done and without Amanda that show wouldn’t have lasted a year, much less still be getting reruns.
  4. She’s doing it all on her own. From what I can tell she has no friends. No family. No support system. Every article, picture, post in the last ten years has been about her and her alone. Sure they’ll mention she has parents and that her friends are concerned, but still, she’s always alone, nary an assistant or besty in sight. Maybe her early success has kept her from staying in one place long enough to form lasting friendships or maybe she’s never known how to be close to people without them wanting something from her. But whatever it is, she’s dealing with everything on her own, and that takes strength.
  5. She’s stared in a movie with Colin Firth. Granted he played her father, but still, she got to film a fun day montage with him shopping around London. You know you’re jealous.
  6. Amanda Bynes 660 2000 AP graphics bankShe’s the queen of physical comedy. Her face can go in every way and she isn’t afraid to fall hard. She’ll try anything and push her limits. She’s not afraid to make a fool of herself on camera. And because of that we love her all the more
  7. She’s designed her own fashion line and another round launches later this year.
  8. She’s still beloved. The internet can be a terrible place and comment sections are usually black holes of death but oddly enough there is still TONS of Amanda love out there despite her recent slamming in the media. Sure we hope all the stars get it together soon, but Amanda in particular could win us all over in a second if she wanted to.
  9. She’s got a 20-something condition just like us, except her freak outs are televised. Can you imagine a camera following you home after a night out drinking with your friends? I’ve seen the drunk pictures I’ve taken with my friends, I can’t imagine what drunk pictures taken by my enemies would make me out to be. It’s impressive that she’s made it this long.
  10. SHE’s THE freaking MAN. One of the few “girl” movies I can say that my dad and brother have watched all the way through, everyone agrees She’s The Man is literary chick flick gold. Speaking as a completely objective third party observer with absolutely no personal interest in the matter, if you don’t like Amanda Bynes then you don’t like awesome.

