A field guide to growing up without growing apart

A Meditation on Mermaids

Hello blogging world!  This is the Lil’ Merskank here.  It took me a bit to decide what to write on for my first post.  After much consideration, I decided to spare you from my (nearly inexhaustible) ranting about the Middle Ages (and how awesome they are) and my experiences with collegiate men (and how less than awesome they have been)—if you are deeply saddened by my current reticence on these two subject, rest assured:  ample blogging on both is coming soon.

Instead, I thought I would begin by talking about my name and how much I love it.   Now Ariel has traditionally never been my favourite of the Disney princesses: Belle would win that part easily as the only princess who reads.  However, of late, I have been coming around to the fact that the Little Merskank is the perfect fit for me for multiple reasons:

1) Mermaids are just awesome.  Now who can argue with that?   You know how they (and by ‘they’ I mean random internet authors) claim that you can influence your dreams by thinking really hard about something right before you sleep? (Or maybe I am the only one who reads those websites…?) Well, anyway, for years I have been trying to get a mermaid dream.  No luck so far, however.  But it still goes to say: mermaids are bomb.

2)  Just like the Little Merskank, I have recently in my life found myself  ‘out of water’ and in a whole new world (oops, wrong movie…).  As you may, or may not, know last year I started studying at a prestigious English university (hint: think about adult castrated bovines crossing rivers).  Now, this place is weird— colleges have dinners where they say Latin grace and everyone has to wear their scholarly gowns; routinely people can be heard standing outside of bars having conversation about Latin play-rights; people are refer to dinner as tea… It is truly a foreign land, and even after a year here already, I often still feel as though I am but a visiting stranger.

3) People tell me that my hair is red.  I don’t normally think of it that way—it’s honestly more of a chestnut colour, but in some lights it looks red, I suppose.  Either way, I have given up correcting people and embraced my life as a ‘ginger.’

4) I have a seagull friend named Scuttle.  Actually, no that ‘s a lie— how about this: I wish I had a seagull friend named Scuttle.  But, hey: even without him, you must admit—Ariel and I have a lot in common.

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