A field guide to growing up without growing apart


Condition of the Month

It’s finally here! November! The best month of the year! Anything can happen! The day when we can all come together and make a difference in our world. Yes, of course, it is time for our first ever Condition of the Month! From here on […]

The Paradox

Being a married twenty something is sometimes an interesting paradox.  I often feel like I am in two worlds at once. In one sense I am the young recently graduated girl who doesn’t have a career yet but is living life and having fun. However, correspondingly I […]

Falling in Love With Fall

I love fall. When October rolls around everything becomes magic. I step out the door, taste the crispness in the air, and it gives me a spring in my step.  When its fall, all I want to do is take long walks through the brilliantly […]

The Art and Joy of Peeing Outside

For a girl, nothing is quite as liberating or quite as awkward as peeing outside.  Boys don’t and can’t understand this. For them, it’s easy. All they have to do is whip it out. In twenty seconds or less the job is done. For us […]

Once Upon a Time…

Once upon a time, there were four naughty princesses. These princesses had just begun a new adventure in a land called college, but they had not yet met each other. If they knew they were naughty, it was a shadow of an inkling, an inner […]